45 minutes.

Podcast: How to decide on business structures & selling your business

A podcast discussing how to choose the right business structure and how to sell a business.

Key Insights
  • Andrew Henshaw (Managing Director) recently appeared on The Australian Business Podcast.

  • Various topics were discussed on the podcast, including choosing a business structure and key considerations when selling a business.

  • A link to the podcast is below.

Andrew Henshaw (Managing Director of Velocity Legal) sat down with Owen Rask on The Australian Business Podcast to talk about broad range of matters.

Topics covered include:

  • Andrew’s journey with Velocity Legal;
  • when it comes to a business owner thinking about the structure of their business (sole trader, trust, company or partnership) do you have any broad rules of thumb for how people can think about these structures for legal and tax purposes?
  • how hard is it to switch between structures as the need arises?
  • in what circumstances, or when, might someone consider switching from a sole trader to a company structure for tax benefits?
  • when it comes to someone choosing bea trust or a company for risk/legal reasons, how do you make a distinction? Is it possible to use both?
  • is it possible to protect family/personal assets from a business?
  • Andrew's advice for business owners looking to sell their business.
Featured Guest
References & Additional Resources

This podcast in no way constitutes legal advice. It is general in nature and is the opinion of the author only. You should seek legal advice tailored to your individual circumstances before acting on anything related to this podcast.

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Andrew Henshaw

Managing Director

Andrew Henshaw

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