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Elisha Raucci

Senior Associate

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Elisha Raucci

Elisha works collaboratively with clients to ensure that an overall holistic plan is achieved.


Elisha is an experienced Wills and Estates lawyer with a strong focus on complex estate planning, asset protection and structuring. She understands that the process can often be difficult and highly personal, and therefore provides a practical common-sense approach to meet the client’s objectives and ongoing needs. Elisha works collaboratively with the client’s accountant and financial advisor to ensure that an overall holistic plan is achieved.


Elisha’s experience includes:

  • Estate planning and structuring, including complex Wills (incorporating testamentary trusts), asset protection advice and strategies, advice regarding  estate challenge mitigation strategies;
  • Preparation of powers of attorney;
  • Trust review and succession (including variations);
  • Self managed superannuation funds (including the preparation of binding death benefit nominations);
  • Probate and estate administration;
  • Tax and duty considerations in relation to the above.


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