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Demian Walton


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Demian Walton

Demian is a commercial litigator and insolvency expert with more than 20 years of experience.


Demian typically acts in complex commercial disputes where the stakes for his client are high.

When advising company directors how to navigate insolvency events, Demian draws upon his wealth of insights gained acting for and against liquidators and bankruptcy trustees.

Demian often collaborates with a client's existing financial and accounting advisors to develop appropriate structuring to preserve businesses operations and protect family wealth in the face of insolvency.


  • Acted for a creditor in a successful appeal to the Full Court of the Federal Court of Australia to set aside a deed of company arrangement.
  • Acted for a national provider of training and employment services to acquire the labour hire operations of an insolvent ASX-listed company through a deed of company arrangement.
  • Acted for numerous investors in successfully resisting loan recovery proceedings by a major bank brought under a class action settlement deed.
  • Acted for a lead objector in successfully opposing Court approval of a class action settlement relating to a failed forestry investment, then successfully sued the client's financial advisor to achieve a multi-million dollar settlement.
  • Conducted hard-fought litigation on behalf of a franchisee against a major retail franchisor for misleading and deceptive conduct, which resulted in the Court awarding substantial compensation to the client.
  • Successfully defended an accounting firm against a multi-million dollar professional negligence claim involving complex international tax structures; then brought successful litigation to recover the client's legal costs from the insurer who originally denied cover.
  • Settled a dispute on behalf of a major property developer with his bank by procuring their support for a personal insolvency agreement.


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