Tax-Effective Estate Planning and Taxation of Deceased Estates

Contact Us

Tax-effective estate planning and the taxation of deceased estates (including testamentary trusts) can be complex. Our specialist team will help you to optimise after-tax outcomes and gain clarity on the tax implications so that you can make informed decisions.

Our tax team have a wealth of experience with estate/succession planning and deceased estate matters.

We assist with tax planning and provide tax advice relating to:

  • the passing of deceased estate assets to legal personal representatives (‘LPRs’), trustees of testamentary trusts and beneficiaries;
  • dealings by LPRs or trustees of a testamentary trusts in relation to deceased estate assets and income/gains relating to these assets;
  • the administration of deceased estates by LPRs;
  • the administration of testamentary trusts by trustees of those trusts;
  • business succession plans, including buy/sell agreements;
  • superannuation death benefits; and
  • complex wills, estate planning and deceased estate matters, including (a) double-death scenarios, (b) the application of small business CGT concessions, (c) restructuring business/investment structures to achievesuccession planning objectives, and (d) residency issues.


Our usual approach is to:

  • provide you with a clear and transparent fee quote;
  • discuss your requirements, goals and desired outcomes;
  • work collaboratively with other professional advisors;
  • deliver our work to you in accordance with your wishes; and
  • regularly update you and your professional advisors during the process.

Fill in the form and someone from our team will be in contact shortly.

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